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how download v 4.0 ListBook

0 appréciations

; Productivity; 1741 KB; ListBook; noidentity gmbh


With ListBook and its elegant user interface, creating as many lists as you want is a breeze.

- iCloud sync between iOS and OS X devices
- Notifications: set reminders on your list items
- Recurring reminders
- Location based reminders
- Drag and drop list items between lists
- Export lists and send them via e-mail
- Import TXT and .listbook files
- Tag items with different colors to highlight them
- Create as many lists as you want and drag and drop to sort
- Assign category icons to your lists to distinguish them from each other
- Colorize each of your lists with a bunch of beautiful colors
- Hide finished tasks
- For every list you can decide whether to show unchecked items on the badge or not
- Drag-and-drop list items to sort, delete all, select all

Updated on 10.14.3 ListBook-5.0-DcX0s.zip | 2019 KB |

New! version 4SJF74-4.3-LISTBOOK.TAR.GZ | 1706 KB |

Best! version X4Lh_ListBook_version_4.4.pkg | 1427 KB |

noidentity gmbh

Recomended! version SLGUC8-ASSAULTCUBE- [64499 kb]

Recomended! version GEOEXPERT.V.4.4.2.DFPY.APP [22449 kb] 4.7.0

on Mojave 49WVO-SOLITAIRE-(KLONDIKE)-1.7.1.PKG [14979 kb] 1.8.1

Best for OS X 1.4_MEDIACENTER_NQ9V8H.DMG [4873 kb] 2.6

Updated High Sierra fScanX.Home.Edition.ver..1.8.14.vbYDv.zip [3742 kb] 1.10.11

Version to 10.12.6 2.5_Quick_Word_NnbWo.app [6823 kb] 3.5

[1775 kb] Download x6wCzR ListBook 6.0 4.2 High Sierra

[1845 kb] App wiFcS4 vers 4.1 ListBook 4.2 MacOS

[2019 kb] Free MnRH ver. 4.1 ListBook 4.4 Recomended! version

[1741 kb] Free v.4.3 ListBook TWeY 6.0 New 10.12
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