les plaisirs et trésors de Dédel02

les plaisirs et trésors de Dédel02

BLINK.VERS.1.2.1.TAR.GZ where download iMac

0 appréciations

Description: 3277 KB - Utilities - Blink - Security - Micah Benn

Blink 1.2.1

Blink notifies you whenever any of your Macs wake or sleep, so you can stop intruders in their tracks. You never have to open the app a second time - just carry on with your normal routine and your Mac will send you notifications as needed.
Odds are that you leave your computer alone somewhere everyday, leaving it vulnerable to anyone trying to guess your password. But hey! You always have your iPhone/iPad/Apple Watch with you, and with you. With Blink running, you'll never have to worry again.
Blink was created at Europe's largest hackathon (programming competition) in Zürich, Switzerland.

Version for 10.11.6 8jMQH.Blink.v.1.2.2.dmg [3211 kbytes]

Recomended to High Sierra s3xs.vers.1.3.1.blink.zip [3932 kbytes]

Micah Benn

Version MacBook Pro Work.Clock.3.1.5.KyM3.tar.gz 3.2.7

Recomended! version Dr.-Jekyll-&-Mr.-Hyde:-The-Strange-Case-ver.-3.000-WJOy.zip 2.10

New! version 7rE3.iDupe.2.9.6.tar.gz 2.9.7

Featured! version v.1.5.Duly.Noted.CAvP.app 2.2


App TE3ZUQ BLINK V 1.3.1 2.2.1 Version to Mac Pro

Free VERS.1.3.1 BLINK G6JW 1.2.2 Best OS X

Download Rjxx Blink vers 1.2.4 1.2.5 10.12

App version 1.5.1 Blink Au1vzr 1.2.5 New 10.12.6
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